On October 25, 2017 in M.Auezov SKSU there was held a scientific conference on the theme “Mukhtar Auezov is wise personality” dedicated to the 120 th anniversary of M.Auezov. Dean of the philological faculty, doctor of philological sciences, professor Tleuberdiev B.M., Rector of M.Auezov SKSU, academican of the National Academy of Sciences of the RK, doctor of technical sciences, professor Myrkhalykov Zh.U., Laureate of the International Prize ''Alash'' Erkinbek Turysov, Winner of state and International Prize ''Contribution to Turkic World'', Doctor of philological scinces, professor Mekemtas Myrzakhmetov. Honorary journalist of Kazakhstan Markhabat Baygut, candidates of philological sciences, associate professors Maksat Alipkhan, K.M Orazbaev and A.Kalshabekov took an active part in the conference.
Mukhtar Auezov is wise personality
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