DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) annually conducts a degree program for students from all over Central Asia and Kazakhstan, which takes place within the framework of the Kazakh-German cultural relations. This is an incredible opportunity for students on the specialty “Foreign Language: two foreign languages” to improve their level of knowledge of the German language. Last year 2017 for the students of the English Linguistics Department, which is led by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor G.Karbozova was successful. The student of group PHI-14-3r1 Drobotova Anastasia attended the winter school under the theme “Deutsche Brȁuche in Kasachstan und Deutschland” held at the Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi and student group PHI 14-3r1 Ortikova Shahzoda attended the summer school under the theme “EXPO-2017”, which took place at the Almaty Technical University.
Our achievements in learning German
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