Head of the department
Karbozova Gulnara Kumisbekovna
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
Аddress: 160012, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, T. Tazhibayev street, 2, Building #8
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
Faculty of Philology
department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, room 413.
Phone: +7 701 965 18 80
e.mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Education programm:
Bachelor degree:
"6В01730" - "Foreign Language: two foreign language" length of study -4 year
"6В02320" - "Translation studies" length of study-4 year
"6В02330" - "Foreign Philology" length of study-4 year
Master degree:
"7М02330 - "Digital Linguistics and international communication" length of study-2 year

Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Associate Professor Head of the Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies. Visiting Lecturer, International Research Center for Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge, 2010 State lectures at the University of Cadiz, ERASMUS+ program (Spain), concert hall of the Lomonosov State University. (Uzbekistan)
Member of the UMO ROOMS Commission specializing in "Foreign language: two foreign languages"
Member of the editorial organization of the collection of materials of the international community USBIK (Turkey) Participation in the international project of the Minnesota Investor, participation in the work of the CIES Consortium (CSA) in 2022, ASHA (CSA) in 2023 Staff: University of Vienna (Austria), Goethe-Institut (Germany), University of Glasgow (Scotland).
Contact information: Shymkent, T.Tazhibaeva str., 2
(building No. 8), 410 office (VN 412-413)
Work phone number: +7 701 395 18 80
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alexey Sergeevich Shvaykovsky
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Linguistics and Translation Studies
Holder of the badge "Bilim beru isinin kurmetti kyzmetkeri" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2018).
Member of the International Association of Teachers of English TESOL (since 2019). Contact information: T.Tazhibaeva str., 2 (building No. 8), 206 office
Work phone number:+7 701 741 95 40
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
T. Tazhibaeva str., 2 (building No. 8),
412 office
Work phone number:

Zhusubalina Zhanat Meyrbekovna
Lecturer in the specialty: 8D02310 "Philosophy"
The winner of the competition: "THE BEST TEACHER -2019"
Contact information: T. Tazhibaeva str., 2 (building No. 8), 41 office
Work phone number: +7 702 252 40 33
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yeralieva Zaure Zhumakhmetovna
- winner of the Republican contest of pedagogical projects at the French Embassy in Kazakhstan
-holder of the certificate for the right to take international exams at the French Alliance of Shymkent.
- winner of the state award "EL QURMETY"
Contact information: T. Tazhibaeva str., 2 (building No. 8), 413 office
Work phone number: +7 702 689 68 42
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Beisembayeva Aigul Dayrabayeva
Master's degree, Senior Lecturer
Developer of the OP Founder of the Fulbright USA program at the Department.
Contact information: T. Tazhibaeva str., 2 (building No. 8), 412 office
Work phone number: +7 747 562 27 89
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Тулегенова Жанар Жамбуловна
Контактные данные:
ул. Т. Тажибаева, 2 (корпус №8), 412 кабинет
Рабочий телефоні: +7 702 183 83 45
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-участник программы внешняя академическая мобильность ППС в НИСИ (Узбекистан)
-обладатель гранта фонда "BILIM BARINE"

Тазабекова Самал Жумахановна
Магистр педагогических наук
Контактные данные:
ул. Т. Тажибаева,2 (корпус №8), 412 кабинет
Рабочий телефон: +7 776 911 99 91
E-mail: samal.tazabekova @mail.ru
International connections

For many of the foreign students Kazakhstan has become a second homeland, and most of them, thanks to the knowledge gained during their studies at our university, continue their studies in Master's programmes at universities in the USA, Europe and Canada. Citizens of China, Turkey, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan are our students nowadays. And also students of the department study in leading universities of Spain, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, USA and other countries under the programme of external academic mobility. using the latest educational technologies and introduction of active and interactive methods of teaching English, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Korean languages.
During the last few years our students have been actively participating in the Republican, international subject Olympiads and have been awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees.

Open lessons

Academic mobility

Department research activity
Leading scientists of the department are authors of numerous monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. They have publications in scientific journals of near and far abroad, as well as in peer-reviewed international scientific journals
DB Web of Science, Scopus, COXON RK and RINC.
Pastoral work

Student Practice

"Republican Scientific-Technical Library" of Turkestan region
KSU "Centralised system of mass libraries of Shymkent city".
Travel company PT "Sembekova and K"
South Shymkent Hotel Service LLP
Translation Agency "Professional"
Shymkent City Educational and Methodical Centre for Language Training
Cambridge Line Residential School
School-lyceum No.7 named after K.Spataev
Specialised school-gymnasium No.2 with trilingual education
IT school-lyceum No. 24 named after S. Yerubaev
Pushkin Grammar School-Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin
No. 20 named after Titov
No. 47 named after T. Tazhibayev