On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the university under the leadership of the rector D.P. Kozhamzharova at the department “Theory and methods of preschool and primary education” there are held series of events on the introduction of the program of the President of Kazakhstan Republic N.Nazarbayev “Course towards the future: Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity”. The scientists of the department within the framework of the program “Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity” published an article in the toponymic chapterof the encyclopedic book devoted to the 90th anniversary of Tulkubas district, in the Turkistan region. The chapter “Turkibasy toponimikasy” by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor K.Urazbayev is of great importance for the formation of spiritual morality in younger generation, love for the motherland. This chapter is a valuable work which brightly describing the features of the native land.