
The history of the philological faculty dates back to 1996, when the South Kazakhstan Humanities University was established as

a result of the reorganization of the universities of Southern Kazakhstan. Since 1998, the Faculty of Philology is one of the leading faculties of the South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov.

In 1998 the faculty was headed by Tleuberdiev Bolatbek Makulbekovich. Tleuberdiev B.M. - Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000), Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), was awarded a jubilee medal for the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for his contribution to educational, educational and scientific work (2011). Tleuberdiev B.M. - a specialist in the field of onomastics, a member of the regional onomastic commission of the Office for the Development of Languages. According to the results of 2012, he was awarded the state grant "The best teacher of the university".

The creative team of the leading scientists of the region and the republic stimulates the activity of young specialists in the scientific and pedagogical sphere. So, famous scientists in the field of education, linguistics and literature, professor, doctor of sciences Myrzakhmetly M., Tleuberdiev BM, Kulumbetova A.E, more than 50 candidates of sciences and associate professors work at the faculty. Three teachers of the faculty are Ph.D., professor Tleuberdiev B.M., Ph.D., associate professor Zhumagulova Zh.Zh., Ph.D. n., associate professor Omarov N.K. became the owners of the Republican grant "The best teacher of the university".

According to the results of 2015-2016 academic year, the Faculty of Philology was awarded the title "Best Faculty of SKU. M.Auezov"; Modern Language and Translation Studies was awarded the title "The Best Chair of M.Auezov SKU"; Head of the Chair "Journalism and Kazakh language" L.K. Turabaeva. was awarded the title of "Best Associate Professor M.Auezov SKU".
In 2016-2017 academic year, the Department of English Linguistics was again awarded the title "Best Chair of M.Auezov SKU"; senior lecturer of the department "Kazakh language and literature" Madaliev Ya.H. was awarded the title of "Best Senior Lecturer M.Auezov SKU"; educational program 6В02330 "Foreign Philology (English)" - 5 place.
For a long time the faculty has maintained close ties in the field of science and education with higher educational institutions and scientific research institutes of the far and near abroad (USA, China, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Japan, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Uzbekistan , Kirghizstan, Romania, etc.).

In the framework of the "Bolashak" program, the candidate of philological sciences, the senior lecturer Karbozova GK - in the RCEAL of the University of Cambridge, candidate of philology, associate professor Zhumagulova Zh.Zh. and the teacher Қaldybekyzyzy M. - in the Business School of Montreux (Switzerland). In 2016, the head of the department "English linguistics" Ph.D., associate professor Karbozova G.K. delivered a course of lectures at the University of Cadiz (Spain) on the program Erasmus + (Teaching Staff Mobility). In addition, having won a grant from the Goethe Institute, she completed an internship in Munich (Germany). In 2016, the teacher of the department "Russian language and literature" Ph.D., associate professor Zhumagulova Zh.Zh. read the course of lectures at the Dalian University of Foreign Languages ​​of the People's Republic of China.

In 2016, following the results of the past at the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov Republican student subject Olympiad among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the team of students of the educational program 6B01730 "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" won the III place; on the basis of the Republican student subject Olympiad on the basis of KazNPU named after Abai team of students of educational program 6B01720 "Russian language and literature" won the III place; Based on the results of the Republican Student Olympiad on the basis of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, the team of the educational program 6B01710 "Kazakh Language and Literature" won in the nomination "Ezdik ot-tali".
Annually, leading scientists from universities and scientific institutes of countries of foreign and far abroad are invited to lecture at the faculty. In different years, lectures at the faculty were read by the following foreign teachers: Joseph Perry, Alice Lobyu, Sandy Marcia Stringfellow, Penya Elizabeth Viani (English), Cerezo Montoya David, Sanchez Asun Ruth Sarah, Valladares Lopez Saturnino (Spanish), Jurgen Werner Wolfgang Asmus (German).
Currently, Professor Nason T. Carr of the University of California is working at the faculty. He conducts classes in English as well as Luan Xinrong, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Xinjiang Financial and Economic University, leading the Chinese language classes.

3. Educational programs of the faculty:
The faculty trains educational programs in accordance with the international standard of education in higher education and postgraduate training in 3 levels: bachelor's - master's degree - doctoral PhD.

Since 2020, Ibraim Azimkhan Orazbayevich has been appointed dean of the faculty - winner of the grant "The best teacher of the University of Kazakhstan-2015", winner of the regional competition "State language and the media" in the nomination "Best article" (2018), III place in the Republican competition "State language and media ”(2018), is the winner of the republican competition“ The best teacher of education in 2020 ”.



1 profile subject

2 profile subject

Place in the national rating



"Kazakh language and literature"

Language of instruction and literature





"Russian language and literature"

Language of instruction and literature





"Foreign language: two foreign languages (English + Chinese /
German / French)"

Foreign language





"Philology (kazakh)"

Language of instruction and literature





"Philology (russian)"

Language of instruction and literature





"Translation studies"

Foreign language





"Foreign philology (english)"

Foreign language





"Foreign philology (uzbek)"

Foreign language




6В03220 "Journalism"




















"Digital Linguistics and Intercultural Communication"



"Philology: russian language"


 Doctorate PhD:







 Faculty Departments:
There are 5 departments in the faculty:

Department "Kazakh language and literature"
The Kazakh language and literature department is one of the leading departments of the philological faculty. The teacher of the department is the winner of the Republican contest "The Best Teacher of the University-2014", Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Omarov Nurlybek Kuralbekovich. At the department there are 2 doctors of sciences, 1 professor, 8 candidates of science (the share of teachers with scientists and academic degrees is 68.8%). Among them, the famous scientist, the owner of state prizes and the international laureate "For Merits to the Turkic World" (Turkey), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Mekemtas Myrzahmetuly, holder of the title "The Best Teacher of the University", Professor Tleuberdiev B.M.
In addition, the department employs leading teachers, such as Ph.D., associate professor Kalshabekov AB. - the author of the textbook "Әdebietana ғılymyna kirispe", Ph.D., associate professor Adilbekova Zh.K. - the author of the textbook "Stylistics Zhәne tіl mәdenieti", Ph.D., associate professor Orazbaev K.М. - the author of the book "Tulkibas talalary men toponymikalyқ azyzdary", Ph.D., associate professor Taspolatov B.T. - the author of the monograph "Kazyurt toponymikasy".
The student of the department Ahmed B. is the winner of the Republican subject Olympiad in the city of Kostanay in the nomination "Ezdik ot-tali" (2016), and the student Zhusipbekova U. is the winner of the Republican contest "Abaev Readings" (2015).
The task of the department is to train highly qualified specialists for working in secondary schools, companies, local, regional and republican press organs, etc. The department provides training using the latest technologies, computer classes with connected Internet, offices equipped with interactive whiteboards.
The department trains specialists in accordance with the international standard of education in higher education and postgraduate training in 3 levels: 6В01710 "Kazakh language and literature", 6В02310 "Philology (Kazakh language)", 6В02331 "Foreign philology (Uzbek language)" 7М02310 "Philology" (magistracy ), 8D02310 "Philology" (post-doctorate).
Graduates of the department successfully work in educational institutions, on television and radio, in publishing houses, theaters, literary editors.

Department of Modern Language and Translation Studies
The Department of Modern Language and Translation Studies, founded in 1999, is one of the leading departments of the Faculty of Philology. The chair is headed by Ph.D., associate professor Karbozova Gulnara Kumisbekovna - specialist in the field of comparative research of unrelated languages.
The department employs highly qualified teachers, including 4 candidates of sciences, 9 masters, 3 holders of the grant under the Bolashak program (the share of teachers with scientists and academic degrees is 68.4%). Senior lecturer of the chair of Telgaziev G.A. is an excellent student of the RK education. Associate Professor of the Department Shvaykovsky A.S. was awarded the jubilee medal "SKU named after M.Auezov" and the sign "Honored Worker of the Trade Union".
The Department maintains close relations with the British Council. On the basis of agreements concluded in different years, the faculty was taught by English teachers: Joseph Perry, Alice Lobyu, Sandy Marcia Stringflow, Penya Elizabeth Viani; German language - Dr. PhD Juergen Werner Wolfgang Asmus; Spanish - Cerezo Montoya David, Sanchez Asun Ruth Sarah, Valladares Lopez Saturnino.
Currently, Professor Nason T. Carr, Professor at the University of California, and Luan Sinrong, Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, are working at the department.
Training at the Department of English Linguistics is conducted according to Western methods using the latest educational technologies, multimedia and language facilities of foreign languages.
The department trains bachelors in the following specialties:
- 6В01730 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (English + Chinese / German / French);
- 6В02330 "Foreign Philology (English)";
- 6В02320 «Translation business».
Students of the Department of Modern Language and Translation Studies are annually trained in programs of external academic mobility. Over the past 3 years, more than 30 students of the department have been trained in leading universities in Spain, the USA, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Romania.

Department "Russian language and literature"
Department of Russian language and literature is one of the head of the department is the candidate of pedagogical sciences Kaldykozova Sandugash Erkinbekovna. Kaldykozova S.E. - A graduate of the MKTU named after Yassavi (1995). For many years she headed the Department of Practical Russian Language for Technical Specialties (2006-2020). Member of the Commission UMO RUMS section "Language and Literature"

There are 30 teachers at the department, including 2 doctor of science, 15 candidates of science, 9 masters (the share of teachers with scientists and academic degrees is 63.6%). The pride of the department is the doctor of philology, the holder of breastplates "For merits in the development of science of the RK", "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", multiple honorary letters and encouragements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Professor A. Kulumbetov.
Currently, the department carries out the preparation of bachelors in 2 educational programs: 6В01720 "Russian language and literature", 6В02311"Philology (Russian language)"; and masters in the educational program 7M02311 "Philology" in the framework of the joint educational program "Network Universities" with the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow).
Graduates of the department work in all corners of Kazakhstan and abroad, both in educational institutions, and on radio, television, Internet publications.

Department "Journalism and Kazakh language" (general education)
The department employs 17 teachers, including 5 candidates of science, associate professors, 10 masters (the proportion of teachers with scientists and academic degrees - 88.2%).
The head of the department, Ph.D., assistant professor Turabaeva Lazzat Kalykulovna since 2008 is an expert of the center "Kaztest" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2015, for the active introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process, she received the title of professor of RAE and was awarded the "Gold Medal" badge. In the current academic year, according to the results of participation in the regional contest "Day of Language", the Grand Prix was won. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the contribution to the development of the state language, as part of the celebration of the day of the languages ​​of the people of Kazakhstan, was awarded a letter of thanks. The senior teacher of the department Sarieva T. in 2016 for the active participation in the contest of artistic reading "Tәuelsizdik - Tұғırym" in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded a letter of thanks. The senior lecturer of the department Yesbolaeva I., being a member of the jury of the Republican School Olympiad, was awarded a letter of thanks in 2017.
The department conducts research work in the field of theory and methodology of teaching the state language. The faculty of the department carries out the management of the scientific works of the students of the university and students of the senior classes of the schools of the city and the region.

Department "Foreign languages ​​for humanitarian specialties" (general education)
The department "Foreign languages ​​for humanitarian specialties" is the general educational department of the university and provides teaching of the practical English language course in the cycle of humanitarian and pedagogical specialties in day, evening and distance learning.
The chair is headed by the senior teacher, master Suyuberdieva Aiman Abdrazakovna. There are 29 teachers at the department, including 4 candidates of sciences, 16 masters (the share of teachers with scientists and academic degrees is 61%). Associate Professor of Elchieva SN for merits in the field of education was awarded a medal named after Y. Altynsarin and a medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 10th anniversary of Astana.
The department cooperates with the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, the British Council, the Goethe Institute, the TESh Center with the aim of exchanging experience and improving qualifications.

Material base of the faculty:

Presentation of a new topic using an interactive whiteboard in a specialized room of Kazakh and Uzbek literature

Work in the media library with authentic materials in English and German

The educational process in the multimedia room

Lesson in English in the modern language laboratory

Multimedia cabinet for teaching the Journalism and Kazakh language

Practical work with the use of advanced technologies

A specialized multimedia room for future primary school teachers

Training session in English for students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature"

Virtual lesson

6. Dormitory of the faculty:

The building of the student hostel of the philological faculty

Library of the hostel of the Faculty of Philology

Independent work of students in the reading room of the hostel library

Creative performance of the student of the philological faculty in the hostel

Creative evening on the theme "Syyynar em an degen tәңirge"

The event in the dormitory hall of the hostel on the topic "Kіtap - Tariffs, Shezhire"

7. Student life:, professor Tleuberdiev B.M. congratulated the winners of the Republican literary contest

Stage production of the creative union of the faculty "Syrly soz"

Professor of the Department of "Modern Language and Translation Studies" Nason T. Karr at a seminar at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School

Master Luan Sinrong teaches Chinese students a letter

Student of the faculty Әbdіaliı Aidan - winner of the 3rd place of the championship of the Republic of Taekwondo

Congratulation of student of the faculty Oralbay Zh., who won a silver medal at the Republican competition on Togyzkumalaku

Prizewinner of the city competition "Memlekettik tіl martebesі" student of the Faculty Block Lubov

Training of students of the faculty in Germany under the program of external academic mobility



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