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The Philology Department is one of the oldest and the largest faculty of the South Kazakhstan University. The faculty possess financial basis and didactic materials research pedagogical schools with innovative science and educational projects, which have highly qualified staff. The faculty trains more than 700 students whose quality education provided by more than 140 teaching staff with advanced degrees. The staff of faculty involves 5 departments. The philology faculty sets out in thе №8 building of the SKU. 

The mission of faculty is to represent quality and educational services, to train high qualified specialists in the field of the education and culture, to take active part in innovation developing of South region and country.  

The department trains experts of the international level according to the international standards of IHE education and postgraduate education consisting of 3 levels: bachelor – masters – PhD. The department trains bachelors on 10 specialties, master degree on 3 specialties and doctor PhD on 1 specialty of philology field.

The goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified specialists for secondary schools, companies, local, governmental and international organizations and etc. The faculty trains students with the new technologies of education, which has the richest libraries in the country, computer classes, lingo-phone classes, special rooms for Kazakh and Russian language teaching, which are facilitated by the audio and video devices, 2 multimedia rooms, 6 rooms with smart board and projects.

The philology faculty is the center of organization and holding international and republican scientific theoretical conferences on actual issues of Kazakh, Russian, and foreign philology.

Philological faculty support international networks with Universities from USA, Spain, Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, Russia and other countries in a scientific way.

Students of the department actively participate in the scientific and public life. The sub departments have scientific circles for students. There is a regular literature circle “Sirli soz”.

Students’ conferences, republican competition of student’s scientific works, holidays devoted to Turkish and Slavic script  are held annually. The best works of students are awarded by letters of commendation and diplomas from the Ministry of Science and Education of RK and AN RK. Scientific conference became annual tradition of youth scientist and students.

Our graduates are working in almost all the educational institutions, periodic transactions, on TV and radio, in the press including foreign offices, and heads of the many public and oblast editorial staff.

Specialists on Philology field may work at the agencies of mass media, at the editorials and publishing companies, on TV and radio broadcasting, as a teacher at the secondary school.

Since 2020, Ibraim Azimkhan Orazbayevich has been appointed dean of the faculty - winner of the grant "The best teacher of the University of Kazakhstan-2015", winner of the regional competition "State language and the media" in the nomination "Best article" (2018), III place in the Republican competition "State language and media ”(2018), is the winner of the republican competition“ The best teacher of education in 2020 ”.

The dean of the faculty

Ibraim Azimkhan Orazbayevich

Candidate of Philology, docent


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