Modern Languages and Translation Studies



 Head of the department

 Karbozova Gulnara Kumisbekovna

 Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Аddress: 160012, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, T. Tazhibayev street, 2, Building #8
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University.

Faculty of Philology
department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies
, room 413.  

Phone: +7 701 965 18 80

Education programm:

Bachelor degree:
"6В01730" - "Foreign Language: two foreign language" length of study -4 year
"6В02320" - "Translation studies" length of study-4 year
"6В02330" - "Foreign Philology" length of study-4 year

Master degree:
"7М02330 - "Digital Linguistics and international communication"  length of study-2 year

Department history
EP 6B01730 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
EP 6B02320 - Translation studies
EP 6B02330 - Foreign Philology
EP 7M02330 - Digital Linguistics and Intercultural Communication

International connections

   The international relations of the department are getting stronger. We closely co-operate with the US Consulate in Kazakhstan and the British Council (UK) and the DAAD academic service. The department systematically realises academic mobility of teachers. Within the framework of the Fulbright programme in 2016-2017 academic year, Professor Nason Carr of the University of California conducted classes on profile disciplines; lecturer of the University of Pisa (Italy) Mirko Tavozanis conducted a course of lectures on English literature. In 2016, the head of the department Karbozova G.K. conducted a course of lectures at the University of Cadiz (Spain) under the Erasmus + K107 programme. Currently, Master of Business Administration of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics Luan Xinzhong conducts practical classes in Chinese language, under the programme "English Fellow" organised by the US Embassy Master Avi Tepfer conducts practical classes in English language.


   For many of the foreign students Kazakhstan has become a second homeland, and most of them, thanks to the knowledge gained during their studies at our university, continue their studies in Master's programmes at universities in the USA, Europe and Canada. Citizens of China, Turkey, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan are our students nowadays. And also students of the department study in leading universities of Spain, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, USA and other countries under the programme of external academic mobility. using the latest educational technologies and introduction of active and interactive methods of teaching English, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Korean languages.
  During the last few years our students have been actively participating in the Republican, international subject Olympiads and have been awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees.


Open lessons

    On October 21, 2024, a demonstration lesson “The yellow press” was conducted in Phi-23-3k2 group (educational program 6B01730 - Foreign language: two foreign languages) from the discipline “English for Media Literacy”.
    The open lesson "The Yellow Press" was held to familiarize students with the issues of yellow press, its relevance and influence on public opinion. During the lesson, students learned not only the consequences of yellow press, but also learned to analyze their influence on modern society. The lesson was organized with an emphasis on active participation of students, which made it interactive and interesting.
Teacher: Sartayeva K.D.
  The open lesson conducted by the lecturer L.M. Glyanko on the subject "Foreign Language" ( the second) on the topic "Au jour le jour. Parler de ses activités quotidiennes" in the group Phi-24-4kr took place on December 4, 2024, at 14:00, in room 229. The practical lesson was held in the format of a "seminar-discussion."
    The open lesson, conducted in the form of a seminar-discussion on the topic "Au jour le jour. Parler de ses activités quotidiennes," was aimed at developing communication skills in French, as well as deepening the understanding of daily habits and routines. The topic of the lesson allowed students to explore various aspects of everyday life, daily routines, and the influence of these habits on our perception of time. The main goal of the lesson was to help students speak more freely and confidently about their daily lives in French. During the lesson, students practiced describing their day, discussed the importance of certain rituals and routines in everyone's life, and analyzed how routine affects productivity and mood.
Teacher: Gliyanko Lidia 

Academic mobility

   Period from 01.09.2023 to 27.01.2024.
  Students of the 2nd year of the speciality 6В02320 - Translation Studies Saidakhmetova Noila and Asanova Zhaniya were trained at the University of Lodz in Poland.
    The students attended lectures and practical classes on disciplines "Film culture", "language of new media and advertising", "Practical English-Integrated Skills", "Media discourse", "Radio in practice", "New media storytelling", "New media storytelling", "Media discourse", "Radio in practice". New media storytelling", "Practical grammar".

Department research activity

   The scientific activity of the teachers of the Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, their academic mobility within the framework of scientific internships, the principle of correspondence of academic disciplines to the scientific specialisation of teachers, library resources, access to foreign information bases ensure the correspondence of academic disciplines to modern scientific achievements in the field of foreign language education and linguodidactics. The results of scientific research, approved at scientific conferences, in highly rated scientific publications, are included in lecture courses, workshops, educational and methodological developments
   According to the results of foreign scientific internships, implementation of joint scientific projects, new academic disciplines are introduced, the content of existing ones is updated.
   Faculty of the department from December 2020 to November 2021 participated in the international project "Integration of English language in higher education pedagogy: partnership between South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov (SKU) and the University of Minnesota" (USA). M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University (SKU) and the University of Minnesota" (USA).
   The project facilitated cross-disciplinary links between faculty members and equipped them with innovative approaches and teaching methods. This collaboration aims to awaken innovative pedagogical thinking that both challenges and develops existing pedagogical skills.
      SKU to improve the learning outcomes of SKU students. This project has improved teaching and learning tools.
   Leading scientists of the department are authors of numerous monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. They have publications in scientific journals of near and far abroad, as well as in peer-reviewed international scientific journals
DB Web of Science, Scopus, COXON RK and RINC.

Pastoral work

   Doing so may cause the device to become uncomfortable. Doing so may cause the student to fall asleep or fall asleep, and may result in injury or death: If you do not want to use this product, do not allow it to be used by the academy, do not allow it to be used by the student, do not allow it to be used by the student, and do not allow it to be used by the student.

Student Practice

Planning and organisation of practice at all its stages ensures:
- consistent expansion of the range of professional competences and practical experience formed in students and their complication as they move from one stage of practice to another;
- integrity of training of specialists to perform the main labour functions;
- connection of practice with theoretical training.
   On the basis of practical training students are given a real opportunity to acquire practical experience of professional activity. Leading specialists of industrial enterprises take an active part in the educational process through lectures on topical problems of production, master-classes, management of industrial practice.

   The bases of professional practice are such enterprises and organisations as: M.H. Dulati Gymnasium No. 8 with trilingual education.
NIS of chemical-biological direction of Shymkent city
"Republican Scientific-Technical Library" of Turkestan region
KSU "Centralised system of mass libraries of Shymkent city".
Travel company PT "Sembekova and K"
South Shymkent Hotel Service LLP
Translation Agency "Professional"
Shymkent City Educational and Methodical Centre for Language Training
Cambridge Line Residential School
School-lyceum No.7 named after K.Spataev
Specialised school-gymnasium No.2 with trilingual education
IT school-lyceum No. 24 named after S. Yerubaev
Pushkin Grammar School-Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin
No. 20 named after Titov
No. 47 named after T. Tazhibayev


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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