On 10.02.2017 the faculty of Philology, the department of “Theory and methods of preschool and primary education” organized and conducted scientific seminar on the theme «Қазақстан Республикасы орта білім мазмұнын жаңарту аясында бастауыш сынып пәндерін оқыту әдістемесіндегі ерекшеліктер». Highly qualified teachers with the aim of exchange experience were invited to the seminar from the regional branch of the national center for enhancing qualifications Orleu in SKO, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute, secondary school № 1 named after Pushkin, lyceum № 80, school-lyceum № 24, school- gymnasium № 65. The issues of teaching the pupils of primary classes in the updated program in theoretical and practical aspects was discussed during the seminar. Also representatives from TV channel were invited.