Poetry reading contest "LA FRANCOPHONIE"

    On March 17, 2022, a reading competition was held in the French Alliance in Shymkent as part of the Francophone Spring holiday. It was attended by students of SKU, Miras University, as well as students of the school-gymnasium No. 20, studying French. There were 22 participants in total. At this competition, students and pupils performed works from the work of the French poet Louis Aragon, whose 125th anniversary is widely celebrated in France and in other countries where the French language is studied. The jury consisted of native speaker Gaëlle Bal and experienced French teachers Izaak A.I. and Sultanova Zh.R.
      It should be noted that there was a competition for prizes. All participants did their best to succeed. But competition is competition and the strong win.

     1st place was won by Diana Utebaeva, a student of the group FI-20 7r (SKU named after M.Auezov),
     2nd place was awarded to Zhannat Mirzakhmedova (university "Miras",
     3rd place was also won by our student Leyla Aldiyar, a student of the group of FI -20 7r (SKU named after M. Auezov) All three participants received diplomas and memorable gifts, and the winner of the competition, Leila, also received a certificate for a 100% discount on education in the French Alliance of Shymkent.

     All other participants received participation certificates and prizes.

     The competition was held in a very warm atmosphere and left pleasant memories of this wonderful holiday in the soul of each of the participants.

Eralieva Z. Zh. - Senior teacher of Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies



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