
1st place was won by Diana Utebaeva, a student of the group FI-20 7r (SKU named after M.Auezov),
2nd place was awarded to Zhannat Mirzakhmedova (university "Miras",
3rd place was also won by our student Leyla Aldiyar, a student of the group of FI -20 7r (SKU named after M. Auezov) All three participants received diplomas and memorable gifts, and the winner of the competition, Leila, also received a certificate for a 100% discount on education in the French Alliance of Shymkent.
All other participants received participation certificates and prizes.
The competition was held in a very warm atmosphere and left pleasant memories of this wonderful holiday in the soul of each of the participants.
Eralieva Z. Zh. - Senior teacher of Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies