Aibarly askar eldy askaktatar Ata zan!

On the 29th of November, 2018  in the 425  audience the students of the group Phi 17-9k  of the department “Theory and methodlogy of preschool and primary education” held the counsel hour  conducted on the theme “Aibarly askar eldy askaktatar Ata zan!” under the guidance of the senior teacher M.M Togatai.

The purpose of the lesson: To educate students on issues of justice, to acquire the right to knowledge and respect, how to use them in life, raising political awareness and cognitive activity, analyzing laws.

The main document defining the democratic values of any state, country and independence is the Constitution. It defines the goals, objectives and rights of all state structures, individuals, nationalities and ethnic groups, social groups. The Constitution of Kazakhstan is one of the youngest constitutions in the world. The Constitution of the RK is a clear document on the formation of new steps in strengthening our state and creating a new system, the only step in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the stage of travel, dynamic faith and justice.Our task is to strictly adhere to the Constitution, which has become the cornerstone of the independence of Kazakhstan. The main requirement is the observance of the Constitution, and not the loss of its value, duties and obligations of every citizen of our republic. Our Constitution is a clear path to a bright future, a flourishing grief, a dignified life.


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