The teachers of the “English Linguistics” chair on the Republican competition of scientific projects
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- Hits: 397
On December 4, 2020, on the basis of O.A. Zholdasbekov lyceum #9 the first round of the Republican competition of scientific projects in compulsory subjects was held. The learners of Shymkent schools presented and defended their best scientific projects. The teachers of the “English Linguistics” chair represented the jury of the section “Linguistics (English, German and French languages)”: G.K. Karbozova, the head of the department, candidate of Philology, associate professor (chairman of the jury), as well as members of the jury – A.S. Shvaikovskiy, candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, A.M. Shymyrbekova, master, senior teacher. During the defense of the projects, topical linguistic issues, key areas of “Rukhani Zhangyru” programme, as well as active and interactive methods applied in school English language teaching were discussed.